I think we're already on the precipice of what you're describing. Avoiding the normal 4chan semantics about AI, I think it's more or less undeniable that we're rapidly approaching something like a fifth Industrial Revolution. Fully automated factories, shipping, and entertainment is ACTUALLY within our grasp. God only knows what the ramifications of these possibilities will be, or if they'll actually be allowed to come to fruition, but the possibilities are just over the horizon.
However, I don't think they'll lead to a period of species-wide introspection; everything I've seen suggests the opposite. Rather, it seems that we're heading into a period of pure Bohemian/Hedonistic pleasure-seeking. The ultimate goal of a large portion of the overall population is to just sit alone, in an appropriately large space, and be entertained. Moving to a post-scarcity (of production) society will be the realization of these dreams for a lot of people. Collect a UBI, watch YouTube or whatever, fap.
I can't honestly say I would hate this, even if it's morally/existentially horrifying. No one knows what it would really look like. Maybe people would eventually be driven to pursuance of art, or other hobbies, to occupy their time, or maybe they wouldn't. It's basically incomprehensible. The personal decision of if it's correct to sex a living creature that was designed and created by another human for your pleasure is entirely unprecedented.
Personally I would take the Loonabot/genetically engineered Loonawife. When in Rome, y'know?