>>19140588>this conflict is totally in ours hands>we totally made this happen>y-you're b-being pl-played by s-supporting Palestine!This conflict is a result of ZOG fuck up's. It's a lose-lose scenario.
- Decades of Israeli Normalization policy wrecked
- A decade of policy to make 'pro-Israel' sentiment appear high status to progs ruined
- Global mass revival of Anti-Zionist politics which had been dormant for twenty years
- Total loss of support for Israel from White Conservatives with most preferring non-involvement
- Conservative pundits, even on the Daily Wire of all places, forced to talk about the overwhelming power of the Israel lobby and to decline a pro-Israel posture, all to maintain their audience
- Legitimate White advocate groups are all staunchly pro-Palestine rather than being neutral, which has influenced White Conservative politics into walking away from a pro-Israel position
- Conservative pundits openly talking about the anti-Whiteness policies of progressive Zionists
- Global politics paralyzed, as ZOG focuses on the defense of Israel
- Harassment of anti-Zionists increases noticing among progressives
- Anti-White shitlibs are fully focused on Israel and not on White people
- NGO's forced into defending Israel
- ZOG logistics forced to focus on anti-Zionist opposition rather than White advocates giving enormous breathing room for us
- NATO armaments depleted
- Ukraine severely weakened by division of support for Israel
- Russian position against Zionism hardening
- Zionist Supremacist extremists facing condemnation, unemployment and hate crime charges
- AIPAC leadership being harassed by Pro-Palestine protesters
The lists goes on
ZOG is in decline.
Free Palestine.