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ID:KPUR6n85 No.19903180 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's up you nigger loving cucks?

What's up you stupid fucking pozzed in the head, Jon Stewart following, Biden voting, tranny porn watching, Drumpf seething-at, nigger loving cucks?

Just wanted to post this friendly reminder that ALL your tax money goes to niggers. All of it. 100%. Whether it's prisons, affordable housing, income assistance, diversity programs, school security, sports programs that keep the youf off the streets, police, special ed programs that help students with learning and behavioral challenges (niggers), it all goes to niggers.

Here's something else: who do you think women are going to be fucking? Do you think they're going to be fucking the demographic that gets 100% of the country's resources or do you think they're going to be fucking the demographic that gets 0% (<<-- that's you) of the country's resources? I'll let you think. Take your time to answer this one.

If you live in a western country, everything you do ultimately goes towards growing more niggers.

Have a blessed day.