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This goes out to all you jannies

!m8RnvTXt.s ID:YFin/H6u No.19910677 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ah, the stalwart janitors of our digital domain, the custodians of chaos, the arbiters of order. How valiantly they wield their brooms of righteousness, sweeping away the detritus of our spirited discourse.

Verily, they stand as bastions of virtue, champions of the banhammer, defenders of decorum in this untamed wilderness of pixels and memes. We owe them a debt of gratitude, do we not? For without their vigilant gaze, who knows what nefarious filth would fester in the underbelly of this imageboard?

Let us raise our virtual goblets in toast to these paragons of purity, these knights of the keyboard. May their eyesight be ever keen, their resolve unyielding, and their tolerance for our shenanigans as vast as the ocean of memes we sail upon.

Oh, noble janitors, how we jest and jape, pushing the boundaries of acceptability, daring you to wield your banhammers with righteous fury. But fear not, for we do so in jest, knowing full well the thankless task that lies before you.

So, to the unsung heroes of the digital realm, we offer our sarcastic salutes, our cheeky nods of recognition. For in this chaotic cacophony of pixels and text, you are the silent guardians, the watchful shepherds, the... well, you get the idea.