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Anyone dislike their family?

ID:qz+RDKEc No.20168535 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I keep hearing people blab on about how important family is blah blah blah

i fuckin hate family. I always have. My dads a super cool guy who partied hard, all my uncles and cousins are all so fucking cool and fuck so many chicks. they all laugh and joke together. I do too but its exhausting

going to grandparents house just so i can be compared to his other grandkids (how much i earn compared to some other grandkid etc etc)

guilting me for not visiting more

uncles making fun of me

like ok. i can't compete. ur all so good at sports and have had so many wild cool times and im shit at sports and i have alcohol/drugs issues so im sober. Ok. i can't compete.

everytime i visit family i get into a bad mood. and when i don't see them i'm way happier

anyone relate. family fucking sucks. mean judgemental obligation bullshit.