>>2145623I don't want to force anything here on anybody.
I just want a random board without all the tranny porn and gore shit, where people actually try to discuss different things or actually give a shit about the posts they are making. Why is that too much to ask for?
>>2145626No, you understand me wrong here. Actual copy pastas are cool. However we have so many of the same threads every day, that somebody probably just copied the OP text and just pastes it into the text box and hits submit. That's fucking retarded. And that's not copypasta by my definiton.
Just making a post with the text "Kotori" with the same smug anime girl over and over is not a meme. I think ti's usually even the same poster every time.
It's low effort bullshit.
It's not even anime I am pissed about, it's just the same unoriginal threads day in day out that bring nothing new to the table.
It's a random board afterall. How come every day we get the same shit?