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Can we admit the Bible is bullshit?

No.21758163 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Book of Revelation is so clearly talking about the War of 70 AD, building a Temple to Zeus in Jerusalem, and then Domitian being the return of the "Beast" which was Nero, which is why there is this motif of the Beast which was but was not.

The Book of Revelation is cleverly copying and pasting John, but rather than making it about Alexander the Great subjugating the Jews, it's about Rome, a beast that is worse than Alexander the Great, subjugating Christians.
Yet even the most Modernist, Neocon Catholic will lie to your face about what this book is about and bury information so as to dupe dumb people into believing there's a small chance it might happen some time in the future.

Why? Because if the Book of Revelation already happened, then it makes no sense why Jesus hasn't come back.
The Antichrist was Dark Ages bullshit to explain why Jesus hasn't come back yet, which is why this theory doesn't pop up until the 4th century AD and why many thought the Apocalypse of John was Apocryphal.

See pic related.