>>2540992I hope I get part-time in my current job
I hate working from 7-15. I have 20,000€ in savings. I have no plans of buying house, fancy car or anything like that.
In my early 20s I had a house bought with a loan, girlfriend, demanding career and lots of social hobbies. Then in my mid 20s I got sick and suffered meltdown, had to spend some time in mental institution. negotiated loans back with bank, sold my car, divorced from my gf. moved back in with my parents after living years on my own.
Now I work in a sawmill, using forklifts and making wooden crates and stuff. next year I hopefully start to work only 2-3 weeks a month and rest of the month off..
now im only saving money so that I can retire early in my life. I will never buy any property or investments, just lots of fucking money so I can be done with all of this shit when I hit my 40s.