[88 / 47 / ?]
If last digit:
0: succer punch face
1: kick stomach
2: head but
3: scratch face
4: strangle
5: elbow to the liver
6: knee in the back
7: kick in knees
8: break nose
9: pull hair
Dubs: baseball bat to the fucking face and stomach
Trips: have fun with a chainsaw
Quads: sawn of shotgun to the face
Anything above: blepe is queen
0: succer punch face
1: kick stomach
2: head but
3: scratch face
4: strangle
5: elbow to the liver
6: knee in the back
7: kick in knees
8: break nose
9: pull hair
Dubs: baseball bat to the fucking face and stomach
Trips: have fun with a chainsaw
Quads: sawn of shotgun to the face
Anything above: blepe is queen