Fuckin A you degenerates. Heres some fapfiction to fuel your fetishes.
>Be me
>Sleeping in my bed
>Woken up by strange noise from downstairs
>Probably just the house creaking.
>Go back to sleep
>Woken up by the sound of machinery just outaide bedroom door
>the fuck
>get out of my bed.
>door bursts open
>Dolphins, in motherfucking mechs burst in.
>what the fuck
>Squeeling noises.
>One pushes me onto the bed.
>what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.
>the one who pushes me down gets the mech over the bed, its huge metalic legs stradling me
>its occupent is lowed, so it's touching me
>I sleep commando, so this is unbeliveable and embarassing.
>I try to move
>metal arms shove me back to a lying position
>only now do I understand their intent
>Scream for help.
>Nothing happens
>chitters and squeels reminescent of a laugh burble out
>I feel something at my crotch
>a slit is rubbing and grinding against my flaccid cock
>Im stressed as fuck, but my body just reads that as excited.
>Get an erection.
>Suddenly thr dolphin shifts.
>My tip is resting against what I only can assume is dolphin pussy.
>another shift, and my acuatic assualter is now pressing into me.
>The pussy is, incredible, absolutely absurd in it's sensation
>Different sections tighten and spasm at differnt rates
>Suddenly, I feel incredible suction. And without any body movement my cock is pulled deeper.
>shes incredibly warm
>Suddenly I hit something.
>A cervix perhaps?
>But my cock is barely in?
>More suction, and more quivers shoving across the tip of my penis.
>Suddenly Im through, but theres yet more tunnel behind, what the hell?
> The rythmic pulsing of the pussy finally breaks me, and I loose inhibition.
>I start to love the dussy.
>I grab her glistening, smooth skin, and thrust inward, as deep as I can go.
>The cervix near my base is tightening and quivering spasmodically.
>I hit yet another cervix, fuck yes.