>>7519320we dont take muslim immigrants from africa andmiddle east. instead there areplans to relocate there tens of rausnds of le based christian from phillipines.
ever heard of recent iran conference held in warsaw? we are becaming frontan of upcoming war. what has even iran done to us? nothing. during ww2 persia even took our war refugees. during communism times we sent our workers there to build roads and infrastructure. and now we are spitting on it all. now we aremaking half of arab word hate us so some of politicians can be patted on head for being good goim. thsi is fucking sickening. im actually nauseous.
in last eyar usa passed act 447. it means that USA will now be obligfed to force poland to pay jews. pay for what? for tehir property from before war. property that has no living owners or descendants of owners. but we must give it back, because "its jewish". Its like some polish guy owning skycraper in new york died , without any children. And now some "polish organisation" calimed it belongs to them.
Best part about that? Total media blackout. Only internet sources talked about it. Our goverment didnt even DARED to speak any word of protest.
No we will have to pay 70 billions. or 200 billions. There aremultiple versions. It doesnt matter, we dont have such sum. SO goverment will most likely give them our national property. We will be literally property of jews.