>>7659285Greeks have invented, among many other things:
#evolution (Anaximander)
#feminism (Plato’s “Republic”)
#fascism (Republic, Laws)
#the idea of a free individual
# cosmopolitanism
# science as a unified structure
# mathematized cosmos (Pythagoras), thus preceding Galileo by more than 2000 years
# an abstract vocabulary we still use for our most advanced ideas
# the multiverse idea
# the concept of atoms- made world
# heliocentric system
# tragedy as a creative mode (comedy can be found elsewhere, too)
# eugenics
# still existing medical ethics
# grammar our very grammatical tradition is based on (verbs, adjectives, nouns,..)
# aesthetics we’ve built upon
# ..
and still had enough time on their hands to conquer the known world.
Socrates taught Plato; Plato taught Aristotle; Aristotle taught Alexander the Great. You won’t find anything remotely close re creativity & expansive disposition in any other space & time, including Northern Italy 13th- 15th C. The level of creativity is so astonishing, unpredictable & unsurpassed that I don’t see how investigations on IQ could be something decisive.
Creativity, originality, intellectual vigor, the range of speculation & emotional intensity fused with power of expression can hardly be explained by current psychometric models.
>snowniggers lul