>>2596999Yeah, I think it's nice to try to have a rough idea of the people here, so I try to remember things like that. Adds an extra dimension, I think. And it sure helps when I have a name to associate it with!
I remember you mentioning something about that room too. Is there something about your room that makes it difficult for you to play? Happy to hear you're giving it a try again! I understand about having trouble finding the motivation to play. But giving it time and establishing a routine helped me; nowadays it's rather a problem where I actually have to force myself to quit playing, to make time for other things. But I do really recommend following some plan when starting out. It gets a lot more fun to play when you are familiar with the basics and can start learning songs. Did you have a look at the justinguitar website I mentioned back then? Warmly recommended! It's a lot easier to stay motivated when you objectively can track your progress and what you've learned.
Daily reminder that Yui is love.