For Hanayo Koizumi, the light and love of my life.
>>3834339She most definitely does.
>>3834342To Pana, it's the thought that counts, so anything with a lot of thought put into it.
>>3834344Kayochin would offer to bake a cake for a friends birthday, and maybe help put together a little get together also.
>>3834348>>>3834353Oh boy, not even fucking close. Damn near the least popular character in the entire series. I can rant more on this, all night long, but I'm not going to put myself in a bad mood.
>>3834359I can't imagine anything of the sort. Hanayo's soul is too pure and her heart is made out of pure gold. Evil just isn't her DNA. On the reverse spectrum, I know she'd do what must be done. Directly or indirectly.
>>3834654The beautiful city of Barcelona. It's genuinely one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it has so much to do and see. Though, Hanayo would also just love seeing new places, and another city I've been to that was really nice was Koln, Germany.
>>3835323She's my wife. Why would I ask permission?
>>3835375Something relating to the idol industry, or maybe a cookbook!
>>3835397There would be a tiny embarrassment, before Hanayo graciously accepts the compliment. She's used to the compliments, but they still mean a lot. From fan and friends alike. Especially from friends.
>>3835846Her eyes are a beautiful deep lavender and they're very special. Because their her eyes.