>>3456251Sorry for harping on about it so much, I just...feel like I'm not explaining the viewpoint properly, so I try to, but I can't really to keep the thread...somewhat cheery, then that just niggles at the back of my brain and then I get back to point one and the cycle continues.
>I would like to see this edited cut you've apparently been viewing.Well, between becoming a Cadet, and Alive, the only negative thing that we KNOW happened, was the Doomfist short, which as we agree, was inane wankery that shouldn’t even be canon. The positives I already listed above, for the sake of saving post space.
Of course then Alive happened, but Lena still got back up(Which we also both agree is admirable), and had THAT comic too.
(Sorta related, I need the soul of whichever idiot decided to make Tracer somehow unable to understand Winston saying that Max would talk in Storm Rising.)
>I think my friend's view is somewhat jadedYou are absolutely right to be fair. It's just an....extensively complicated list of issues that blend together, but as said before, that's for anywhere but here....now admittedly I screwed this second bit up, but an attempt was made.
>But... they're not exactly appropriate for a blue board, if you take my meaning.You see now you're just teasing me. I know I'm an ass, but have a heart! It’s like Lena tying Hana to a chair and then beating all her high scores while she's forced to watch. At least boop Discord or something.