>>3848770Clothing and accessory stores. Likely some high end ones, since Misaki makes a passing remark that her handbag was fairly expensive after it was stolen.
>>3848798No, it's existence doesn't really bother me, but I'd just rather not.
>>3848800I've already seen most of the series', but I would like to get around to reading Izumi's manga one day.
>>3848840Actually, Misaki would just wear her school uniform. Per school rules, she's required to wear it at all times while she's in the city. Even on days where school isn't in session.
>>3848883I'm a fan of high ponytails, and Misaki has been shown to wear it like that once, but her hair is actually too long to catch it perfectly.
>>3849004Huh. Given my current situation, this is very well something I could actually do. You know, had it not been for the dimensional barriers and all. Well, I'm not sure what I could send her. I want to say jewelry.. but, I think I'd like to send her something more interpersonal. Maybe a video message where I sing her a song, say some words, and maybe the guys could crash it.
>>3849039I'd believe that our kids would be pretty well behaved. Any daughters we'd have would definitely take after their mother. As for names... Hmm. I'm not certain, I'm in love with the name Cameron for a girl though.
>>3850030Could you post the image of Mikoto princess carrying Misaki? Should be by the same artist who did pic related.
>>3850158Yeah, Misaki has a sweet tooth. Enough to the point where she's just slightly bothered when Junko restricts what she eats. She's got a preference for cake, but I don't necessarily enjoy baking.
>>3850933>What do you think about her as a character, is she a good one?Yeah, I'd say she's a good character. She's pretty well put together. Appearance, personality, motives and actions are all consistent with each other.