My wife with our first born.
Happy mothers day everyone, I wish I already had a lot of children with Yuuri so we could celebrate it together.
Today I spent mother's day with my mom in the park and that gave me all sorts of ideas of what I want to do with Yuuri.
I wish she could have been there.
>>3442745You want to report me Sayafriend, go ahead!
But, you are a long way away from your opportunity.
Not to mention my status as a waifuparty official.
>>3442629I don't know if Yuuri would like SMT, I think she would find the process of constructing boards very interesting.
I'd like for Yuuri to be just a housewife but if she wants to pursue something, I won't stop her.
I tend to keep my personal feelings outside of work.
There are already some couples around me, so I guess no one really cares unless it affects work.
I wouldn't get to public with our stuff, maybe I may reach over and hold her hand while nothing's going on, but I know it wouldn't be right for us to do stuff and worry about being seen.
As exciting as that may be for me.
>>3443149Hello Rurifriend, I'm not sure when's the last time I saw you.
>>3443638Well I'm always away from her, so I would just think about her as I always do.
Maybe if I'm somewhere interesting I may wish Yuuri were with me.
It is mother's day.
What do your kids do for her during this day?
I think I may organize them so that we can surprise her with a special breakfast.