What kind of clothing is comfiest for your waifu?
Homura only wears her school uniform and magical girl outfit in her series, but I'd like to think she'd wear a hoodie like pic related every now and then, given the chance.
>>3875900Braiding waifu's hair before bed!
>>3876462Last week, I got back on the wagon fitness-wise and reached a new milestone in personal growth, so I'd say yes.
>>3876771Welcome to the threads, buddy. Cute waifu!
>>3877297>Yes. I've finally got a job and I'm doing better at this one than any I've ever done before.Good for you, Izumifag. Keep up the good work, I know she'd be proud of you!
>>3877940>How am I not even the dumbest motherfucker in the thread right now?Because I'm here.
>>3877999>violet eyes... the most beautiful eye color there isAbsolutely patrician taste