I love you Saya. Forever.
>>4069968Holidays wouldn't have much meaning for us but if she took a liking to it we might try and have a little hunt between the two of us looking for hidden eggs from the other one.
>>4069974Because of our situation it would have to be a simple home where the both of us would be in charge of keeping the home and providing for it. Although ideally I'd love to have things more traditional.
>>4069975Favorite is a hard one, but I guess the most glorious would be her figure.
>>4069977Yes. No records exist.
>>4070845This is a different Sayafag than I.
>>4072164If by "travel to waifu's world" you mean I get to experience events similar to her novel and I keep every facet of myself besides I remember her I would go for it. I believe in the same circumstance as the novel with my own thoughts and beliefs I would fall in love with her again and she would then fall for me. Although there'd be many chances for things to go wrong, it's worth the shot.
>>4072174It's been a relatively long time, I have a memory of the first time I played her novel and saw her but it must be with rosy glasses. She was beautiful, inherently so. Her beauty contrasted so starkly with the backgrounds despite the cg and sprite work not being the greatest. I didn't know then how much that face and smile would impact me forever.
>>4072586Her public perception among people that give her novel a fair shot and not pearl-grasping normalfags is fairly positive. So I'm glad in that regard.
Would your waifu like going to a zoo or an aquarium? What would be the exhibit she would most like to see? If not, do you have a better plan for where to take her for a date?