>>3325836>How do you deal with the despair of not having her with you?I keep her in mind whenever I can. Having some physical reminders of her also helps
>>3325939>Is your waifu ticklish?Not very
>What is the most romantic thing you can see your waifu doing for you?Any picture she takes of me would be breathtaking
>What is the most romantic thing you can do for them?I can't think of anything I'd do that would be enough for her, I hope this feeling goes away soon..
>What would a picnic with your waifu be like?Peaceful
>Is your waifu the type to go caroling for Christmas?I don't think so but that would be the cutest thing to see
>What would be your waifu's favourite Christmas song?I'm biased but [YouTube] Elvis Presley - Blue Christmas (Audio) (embed)
>>3325967I don't have any merch to show
>>3326015With her and my family both
>>3326199>How long would you two wait before you got married?Going by feeling sounds like her but I'd wait as long as she wanted me to
>>3326352Not really, I like her voice in both the dub and sub.
>>3326393Happy birthday Fuuka! Enjoy it Fuukafriend
>>3326461>Do you think you ever changed your impression or opinion (for better or worse?) of a waifu after seeing her posted here?Seeing so many positive posts and getting to know them better made all of waifus posted here even more lovely in my opinion.
>>3326540>Somehow you and waifu have switched bodies for the day.>What ensues?We'd both keep an eye on each other and set ground rules for privacy. If one of us has to go out then it would just become one big comedy skit kek
I'm dumb and mistook Mahiru's VA, kill me...