Rena is so cuuute! Hauuu!
>>3390822Some form of martial art
I don't know. See, one of the reasons I'm so attracted to her is because she fills in the gaps in my character so well. While that's nice, it also means we share very little in common. We both love kyuute things though.
>>3390823She's not like either of them
She doesn't have any
>>3390826Practical ones, like guides to cleaning or cookbooks. Either that or kyuute children's ones
>>3390829I'd be grateful if you did one for Rena
>>3390830Sorry, asshole here
>>3390842She's very warm and accommodating but also very guarded. Her best friend is probably Mion.
>>3390873McDonalds for the happy meal
>>3390931Pretty light, not too salty
>>3390950She's acted as a full-on maid before so she'd probably be fine in the end, but she'd be embarrassed while acting.
Waifu with best friend