I love my darling Kirumin.
>>3345792>Would you change anything from her media?Spoilers for the end of DR V3.
Her not dying, or giving a concrete answer as to whether the students were kidnapped or if they had auditions.
>If you could change the author/company/studio behind your waifu's media, who would you like to be the one in charge?I can't think of anyone who could do as good a job with DR than Kodaka. Maybe Nasu? That'd be interesting to see.
>Would you like to see your waifu in a certain artist's artstyle?Too many.
>Do you relate any smell with her?Peaches.
>And any taste?Not really.
>To what videogame would you compare her?I can only really think of her own.
>>3345794Given her will I'd imagine a match against a despair form of herself would end in a draw. Perhaps her despair form might have an advantage since she might be a bit more ruthless but it'd likely result in both of them dead.
>>3345795>Where would you like to take your waifu if you could take her anywhere?Somewhere far away from everywhere else.
>What has waifu inspired you to do creatively?Mostly just daydreaming about what our life might be like.
>How long have you known her?While we've been together for only a year and almost three months I've known of her since before her game came out in Japan.
>Could you fight for her? Imagine a duel.I'd likely die during it but I reckon I'd do ok.
>>3345797>What would a "normalised" version of your waifu be like?She's pretty normal already I think.
>How strong is waifu?Quite strong.
>What's a small, obscure detail about waifu?I've mentioned it quite a few times in these threads but she enjoys watching action films to relax. If I ever get enough money I'd like to get an image of her getting excited over something like that.
>Do you have any crossover art of waifu dressed as a different character or vise versa?Several, some of her as other characters in her series but also ones of her as The Boss, Chianti from Detective Conan, and 2B.