>>3245192Greek Orthodox is part of the Eastern Orthodox Communion, which includes plenty of others. In the US the main ones are Greek, Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR), Orthodox Church in America (OCA), and Antiochian. OCA and Antiochian are by far the least ethnic and in tune with American culture, if that kind of thing matters to you, but obviously it can vary widely from parish to parish. Nevertheless we all acknowledge each other's validity. I go to an Antiochian parish myself but I have absolutely zero problems going to a Greek church, for example, if I'm out of town or something. Each tradition has some slight variations to it, like different styles of chanting or architecture, but the substance of the Faith is the same.
The Copts are part of the annoyingly-named Oriental Orthodox Communion, which they share with the Armenians, Syrians, and Ethiopians. Likewise, they're all basically the same religion, and they all acknowledge each other as such. The Ethiopians have some fascinating specific traditions though.
The difference between the two is pretty esoteric for a newcomer, honestly--it has to do with whether Christ has two natures, one human and one divine; or one composite nature of both. The question does have some far-reaching implications though.
PS I want more brown Christ-chan