>>3349834She probably eats very little, which is quite worrying.
>>3349841Even if there was something different about her, it'd still be an aspect of the person I fell in love with, so I'd love her all the same.
>>3349941>What do you think about marrying your waifu? To be more specific, have you ever planned out what you and your waifu's wedding would be like?Not really planned, but I've thought about it.
>>3349963Probably things about her work, her duties and such.
>>3350300I'd like to help her with her job, and see what she does all day.
>>3350411Her sitting up asleep, and me laying on her lap.
>>3350440>What kind of bladed weapon would waifu be ?A sword or spear.
>Is waifu moody?Not really.
>How do you make waifu confess to you?>How would waifu make you confess?I'm not sure to be honest, I've never really thought about either of these things.
>Is waifu a good gambler?She might be ok, but I doubt she'd do it all that often.
>Does she like to take risks at all?A little, but they're more calculated risks.
>If waifu were a mad scientist, what kind of stuff would she invent?Things that help out people, to be honest I can't really see her as insane or mad.