>>3503662>How much change would having your waifu as your real beloved bring?A lot.
I'd be much more obligated to improve and do my best. I'd be in a much more optimistic place in my mind.
>Are you ready for the one you have been yearning for so much?No, not yet. I have a long way to go before I consider myself ready.
>Do you have any kind of ideal and realistic circumstance or event in which the two of you would meet?I imagine us meeting as classmates. Or seeing each other in a dream, and running into each other the next day. Both maybe?
>>3504095Just remember that she'd never act like that, so imagine it's not really her.
>>3504106There's no shipping in the fanbase.
>>3504501I don't know what exactly she'd say, but she's not a bad person. Urabe can actually be quite nice.
>>3504522I'm not sure if her universe has any mysterious artifacts.
The most mysterious thing in her story is Urabe herself.