>>4384932>For me it was when Netflix acquired the distribution rights to the series.Same here. Didn't know any other "free anime" sites. I was still somewhat uneducated in the internet at that time.
>>4384933>I haven't seen the beer commercials.I talked about that in
>>4384734. Same with Sony advertising.
>Didn't that already happen a few years ago?It's sometimes better to not pay attention when it's something like that.
>Yes, the atomic bombardment really did a number on their psyche.Without Nagasaki and Hiroshima there would be no Neon Genesis Evangelion. The somewhat "sexy" plugsuits never really did anything form me when I was a kid. I got even annoyed when the red one was pushing her ass in the camera in some fanservice shots. Probably because I despised Her because of Rei.