>>3254245>What are the first words you'd say when you meet her for the first time?I would probably fall down in awe.
>>3254288>What does your waifu like better? Scifi or medieval fantasy?She is obsessed with Ayylmaostuff , some peoplw even thought she was an ayylmao herself
>>3254324>Boots or shoes?She uses both.
>>3254362>How tall is your waifu?According to pic related something near 150 cm , but it makes her look like she has some elvis-tier hair volume.
>>3254436>What is something your waifu would ask you for help with?Lifting heavy shit i guess
>What would you ask her to help you with?mi benis :DD
>>3254448>Do you cook for your waifu? Or does she do it for you? What is her favorite thing to cook/eat?Both of us cook , but ahe loves to gorgle down whatever the fattittied nidget brings her.
>>3254463>How are you this day, friendo?Crying