>>3874824I don't know. I'd offer her to share a drink with me.
>How would she comfort you when you're feeling bad?By just being herself. A supportive, concerned wife. It's super effective...
>>3876462The keys on the song I'm practicing became muscle memory so I hope so.
>>3878079>crayon eater detectedA mild chuckle.
>>3878377She's very modest. If not under the hex of the writers, I'm sure she'd be very concealed.
>>3879798Maybe when she's trying to look good for someone and clumsily applies it. Otherwise, she's all natural and very beautiful just like that.
>>3880810I've thought about our boy being more like me and our girl like her. Both visible half-breeds too.
>>3882150Not going to lie, if I beat her in a video game while drunk, I would be very smug about it.