>>3550445Oh my god you need to calm down. First off it's a board rule - feel free to visit the rule page to see each boards listed rules as well as the global rules.
Second, I'm not sure where the breakdown happened but I never attacked you, I was literally stating a board rule which you have access to view on the rules page of the website. I'm also not sure why you're attacking me but as I was saying you should keep ecchi on /e/ - not saying that these images are lewd at all, I'm just saying this as a general statement. Lewd things are best kept private or people will have full justification to judge you for it - or even better take that stuff elsewhere where people want to see it. Again as you're just going to get upset again, none of these pictures are lewd, its just a statement based off the rules which have been a thing for over a decade. There is a difference between finding someone attractive and lewding them - I never said you were lewding her, I made general statements which you took personally and you lost your temper.
The fact that you managed to snap like that is very worrying, please seek help.