>>3207653Her dress is one of her more casual outfits
She's the cuddliest and I hate letting go of her. I ache when I'm not holding her
>>3207801I think we're pretty well matched but I'd need to get close to her first
>>3207837I built her in robocraft, was pretty dope
>>3207938Her room is traditional japanese, very tidy and rather spartan. I'm actually surprised she doesn't decorate it with maschera merch
>>3207953She would want to watch classic fantasy and sci fi anime
>>3207972Sure, wouldn't that turn me into a vampire too? Sounds awesome
>>3208167She's good with stress and will push herself until she faints
>>3208202Our hobbies already overlap a lot, if she's interested in learning music and enjoys it then it could be fun to teach her some stuff
>>3208542We could share a single bed since we usually sleep close, but queen size might be good in case it gets too hot or uncomfortable
>>3208972She's very smart. She's sharp and quick witted and could certainly outsmart me. We don't hear much about her performance at school but we know she has an expansive vocabulary and was able to teach herself technical skills including coding, and of course she's extremely creative with a wild imagination. I think she probably has the obsessive type of intelligence whereby if something interests her she will pursue it to mastery but otherwise she finds it hard to care.
>>3209249Her series is remembered for all the wrong reasons and I'd rather everyone just forgot about it
>>32093421. I want to marry her
2. You always ask such specific questions about food I really don't know. We see her eating a donut at least once I guess
3. I don't think she'd hog the blanket and we usually sleep close anyway
>>3209357Nothing in particular, maybe her rose headband
>>3210234This one always makes my heart jump
>>3210372Rori from gate reminded me of her, and the similar name doesn't help, and if it counts Mirai from senran kagura looks so alike it's weird