>>3237282>What is her favorite flower?There was some yellow flower from her home that she was particularly fond of. The exact species is, at this time, quite unknown.
>>3237480>What do your friends think of your waifu?Most of them are very understanding.
>>3237593I try to ignore it as much as I can.
>>3237678>What is her favorite time of day?Early in the morning.
>>3237795>Is your waifu one to charge into problems head first, or carefully plan out her action?She is more of a planner.
>If your waifu was to start a business what do you think it would be?Maybe some kind of floristry market? I'm not sure.
>Would you help?Of course.
>>3237959>Your waifu feels lonely and scared, how do you comfort her?Hold her tightly in my arms and tell her that everything is going to be alright.
>>3238392>Is she a religious/spiritual person?It's never really said. I would like to think so, though.
>Would she go to hell or would she go to heaven?She is with the angels. ;_;
>>3238554>Would your wife be willing to go take dance lessons?I'm not sure, but I doubt it.
>What style of dance do you think would most suit her?I really don't know.
>>3238572>Do you jack it to your waifu's doujinshi?She doesn't have any. I don't think she does, anyway.
>What kind of doujinshi would you like about your waifu?I don't really know. I haven't thought about it.