>>2788892so you're just angry that board culture is changing?
for better or worse, 4chan's board culture is always changing and beyond a few memes in homage to the past, board culture will never stay the same
imo i don't think its good to be angry that another board is changing 4chan culture overall, because thats just life on 4chan, a neverending deluge of memery. if 4chan culture did stay the same, that would just mean all the memes are going stale and that would be boring. whether /pol/ is responsible for this, or /b/, or /v/, board culture is going to change. no sense to focus all your anger on /pol/ when culture change is a fact of life on the imageboards
i think you should try to start embracing the changes and the new semantic memes, because trying to get 4chan to conform to your personal taste is futile. so long the anonymous meme never dies and people still largely adhere to 4chan's intrinsic anonymous principles everything'll work out