I love my cute wife no matter how much she suffers!
>>3306472I almost certainly couldn't, she's simply too heavy for me. I don't think it's even humanly possible to princess carry Phos post-winter either, gold weighs a lot. She on the other hand could probably princess carry me with ease. luckily I'm into that kind of thing.
>>3306608She'd be a DPS or a Tank, she's quite durable as long as she's paying attention but mainly uses that durability to get to the foe without needing to worry about evading attacks or protecting her self so she can eliminate them as quickly as possible.
I'm not sure, I think she'd like both. Though she might prefer dogs since she's the more energetic type.
>>3306612Back when she was genki it was solely comforting. Most people would say that it is menacing now but I still find it comforting, just in a different way.
>>3306619She doesn't take too much care over her appearance, but nor does she need to in order to stay well-groomed.
She isn't a master of any field, unless horribly suffering can be considered a field.
I'd compare her to a mint bush because of her beautiful color and hair.
>>3306622her hair is not very fluffy, though when she had her longer Phosphophyllite hair it was somewhat fluffy.
I don't think it smells like anything at all, though I'd like to imagine that it is faintly mint scented.
She can't drive any vehicles, she's used to walking and there was never any place far enough to need a vehicle anyway, not to mention that there aren't any in the first place.
How would you cope to big changes happening to waifu? Like traumatic experiences shifting her personality or injury meaning her appearance was different. I hope you'd still love her all the same.