>>4396711That's a lot of words with no Rei picture attached.
>and just stick to making countless brand collaborationsDidn't seem like that to me. He could just say no. Or maybe he's obligated to do it. Maybe he did some secret pact with some shadow people that scratch his back while he scratches their's. Making these stupid collaborations that dull NGEs mysterious feel. He's just butchering the name now. Soon people will say: "Hey, that's Evangelion from the Mcdonalds ad!".
>Without the Rebuilds, I doubt that the series would be as big as it is today because say what you want, but it gives people a more "normie" starting point to an otherwise doomy and gloomy series.Well guess what? The "doomy and gloomy" is what made NGE so memorable and was clearly it's selling point as the "Dark, apocalyptic and phylosophical/psychological work of art". Breaking off of that just feels wrong. Even the name "Rebuilds" feels so promising, but turns out that Anno had so much material from NGE that he wasn't able to Rebuild a coherent story that was as deep as NGE or EoE. His depression is what drove him to such great heights. He gave EVA his all. Now, he's no longer depressed and also "happy" as he tells us while having a whole sandbox yet nothing to build. It felt half-assed to say the least. The whole 3D kaiju fight just felt like a last-ditch effort to force the "deep" feel of that dumster fire. The Rebuilds feel unnatural. The glossy effect just screams mass produced modern "anime". And also what's with all the 3D? They could've speant the time and did the movies in the style of NGE and EoE and I'm sure it would elevate it as probably one of the best "sequels" to an already great series and movie in anime history. They didn't have a driving force. The depression was that key element behind the greatness of Evangelion. And the other people that worked on the show and movie that didn't work on Rebuilds.
Feels like a middle finger to the Legacy of NGE and EoE.