>>3842194We would switch around.
>>3842195I'm not sure it is said that Yuuri's apartment is very messy, so I don't think she would manage her workspace very well.
>>3842196Yes, she has a cat of her own.
>>3842199I have already done this with this question.
>>3842322>Memories get in the way of living>Edible things can be eatenSo many more, my wife is really wise.
>>3842346Correct, that's why I married her.
>>3842357Yes, I am well known around those threads.
>>3843699My wife has no fears.
>>3843788When she had to leave her grandfather and town behind because of the war.
>>3844161I'll see what I can do.
>>3844194I do not know when Yuuri was born, I don't think Yuuri knows herself.
What is your wife's thoughts on other people?
There aren't so many people around in Yuuri's world, but when she does meet someone she gets along pretty well.