>>3623539>For example Saberposter seems chivalrous and self-imposing with a bit of autism just like the King of Knighs herself.You hit the nail on the fucking had, chap. I'm awkward and take myself maybe a little too seriously. But I don't mean harm to anyone, and seek to get along with most people in this thread and in real life. So long as I'm strong enough and confident enough in myself, I can afford to be a little awkward/autistic at times. I'm proud of myself and who I've chosen to have be in my life, as well as what I've done so far and am still capable of doing.
>Yuuriposter often said something like "I don't really know but..." This is one that I've noticed a bit and it makes me smile.
How could our waifu's not rub off on us as much as they do? Of course we act like each other, I think about her all the time and am "with" all the time. You can't stop yourself from having them rub off on you. If she were with me, I'm sure some of me would rub off on her, and she might pick up on my own mannerisms and the things that I like. I like metal music a lot, so I'd like to try and get her into it as well which might change her in a pleasant and fun way.
It may seem strange because some people here don't know as many of the other waifufags source material, but that's okay.