>>3870878She'd use (spoilers) time magic and bullet magic. Lots and lots of bullet magic.
>>3870879She'd definitely hurry on home. She gets intense tunnel vision
>>3870881Being a magical girl, she's used to working lots of odd hours and staying up late.
>Would she approve of your sleeping habits?She'd probably get mad at me for not sleeping more... I'm a regular human so I can't go without too much sleep
>>3870883We'd go traveling, exploring as much of the world as we could. We'd probably go to see Europe at one point!
>>3870884I don't really think she has; in fact I don't think she's left her home city. I think she'd be on edge throughout the whole thing, and might be a little embarrassed to admit it.
>>3871072I sometimes tease when I joke, and I might cross a line every now and then. I'd obviously learn from that and not do it again. Other than that, just the usual stuff like making our schedules align, cleaning, etc...
>How would you get along with the rest of the cast of your waifu's source?I think we would get along nicely, since Homura is so mysterious towards them, they'd probably be surprised at how (relatively) normal I am. Sayaka might be really suspicious of me though, her and Homura never seem to get along.
>>3871109Thank you! Bismarck seems really sweet and I hope you have a good night!
>>3871462This is a tough one for me because she already kind of has one, and I haven't quite come to terms with it. Maybe it's just wishful thinking/bias, but I think it's more of an attachment to possibly the first real friend she ever had amplified by a traumatic experience. But the fact that I even think this makes me selfish, like I'm not respecting her wishes or her character.
It's hard to say what I'd do, but no matter what, I'll always love her.