>>3839152Fuck yeah she does!
>>3839203>>3839208>>3839214Based Mexico.
>>3839207>he doesn't know mexicos full of whites and not all brownSilly brain washed murimutt.
>>3839216Bruh. I'm white skinned af and don't even know spanish. I just know ghetto paradise when I see it. Mexico is pretty chill tho. Finding mexicanms on chill internet places makes sense to me. Just like how america, australia and parts of europe are shit and so everyday past 5 or 6am est 4chan goes to absolute fucking shit. And once 5 to 7pm roll around all the shithead americans get out of work to screech.
>>3839197>not hugging or helpin g your broken skinny fat body>>3838699Nothing this thread needs me to blog about.
>>3838410That's tough. She can play intsruments, sing, help people, super hero fightings, smart, probably good at games. She can shoot targets stupidly fucking amazingly, but it's hard to say what amount of that is the Symphogear vs her own talents. I'm a selfish dumb asshole, but I really love her altruistic stuff. I dunno if that can be a talent or not though.
>>3837223Stupid sexy suited Geahs.
>>3838232>shot a trap out of a cannon at Santa ClausBy trap you mean Astolfo right?