>>2817002>Would you mind backing up the "Rei is not Yui's clone" line and all of the info about "the Ayanami line," with some legitimate facts? Because it sounds like fandom theory and not actual canon.Let's see.
Does Yui have blue hair? Does Yui have red eyes?
No? Then she's not a clone.
She's an artificial human that's molded off of and based off of Yui, and born from the flesh of Lilith. However, she's by no means a clone, which is a direct copy.
>She seems like a sweet girl and she has feelings for Shinji, just like Ayanami did.I'd tell you to go ahead and prove it but that'd just be mean. May as well have asked you to show me one instance of Rei being a total bitch for no reason in the original series.