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Happy Birthday, Ricchan, my Love!
And greetings to all celebrators!
Why is Ritsu so adorable? Considering how perfect K-On! in general is, it is amazing how much better Ritsu can still make it nonetheless by her pure awesomeness. In her universe everything that's only a bit dark and grim gets assimilated into a fluffy cloud of happiness that turns everything into pure love. I believe that if it weren't for Princess Pineapple's random acts of adorability, her acts of spontaneous random cuteness, by which she disrupts the flow of events, I wouldn't be nearly as receptive for the love K-On! has to offer. And everytime that bouncing energy ball of fluffiness spreads liveliness and energy, everytime she presses the reset button like this, I can fall in love with her again.
As much as I'd give anything for a chance to switch reality and fiction to wake up in the K-On! universe and meet Ritsu in person, the fact that so many guys celebrate being in love with the same woman warms my heart as well. It would be quite hard for a real person to achieve that. Fantasy simply has some advantages over reality.