>>3434037If Sheik came to this world, I would definitely buy her a phone. So she undoubtedly would get one of those calls. But I would also tell her to watch out for scams, especially from robot sounding voices and Indians.
>>3434097>What would your waifu think of the area where you live?I live in an extremely hot desert. She would probably need to do a lot of adjusting to get used it here. I don't think she would like it that much. However, I think her outfits would protect her from the sun. She would also need to put on sunscreen quite often, especially if we go swimming a lot. Which I hope is something we can do quite often. To illustrate how hot it is, the government is paying citizens to get rid of their grass lawns, so we can conserve water. If you refuse, you have a strict set of days (I think it's twice a week) that you're allowed to use sprinklers to water your lawn. There is a law that does not allow us to wash our car to preserve water, we need to go to a business to get our car washed. They are trying to install new A/C systems that they can control remotely themselves since people here have a habit of overusing their A/C which causes them to break. I hope Sheik could get used to an environment like this. We could try to move, but moving is costly and we would need to move many hours away to get away from the heat and desert. But I would do it for her if she hated it that much. I would do anything for her. I love her so much.
>would she find it very different from her own surroundingsYes since Hyrule is a grassy, more seasonal type place. We don't even get seasons over here really. We have gotten snow maybe once or twice in my entire time living here. On the bright side, there are some mountains we can climb that can get snow. She would think it would be similar to Gerudo Valley I suppose when it comes to the heat and landscape. She has been there before, so I guess this wouldn't be unheard of for her.