I love my girl!
>>3664577>Here's a question. How would your waifu feel about your 4chan and general internet habits and use?I can see her shit posting on /p/ or on a board about her favourite band, she's a massive fan girl after all.
>>3664957>Is your waifu taller or shorter than you?Shorter, she's ideal kissing height.
>>3665054>Pocky with waifu!Pocky game with waifu!
>>3665170>oh! those lines are very cute actually. i had no idea what the translations were. thank you as always Nao friend. youre always kind to meNo problem!
>>3665221Grats! Did you bought it directly from Amazon or through a proxy?
>>3665222>Are you able to help your wife with her work out.Yes, I would love to help her. Having that rush of dopamine together after a work out would be nice too!
>>3665232Probably look smug at me for it. Kinda wanna throw away those wasted terabytes to be honest.
>>3665268I don't have a problem with it, sex is a healthy part of the relationship and seeing your girl naked is a boyfriend/husband privileged. Images I don't like I just shrug off as not being my Nao. Just because somebody drew it doesn't mean I have to make it a "head canon."