>>3471559>Outfit Hilda would wear something something girlish like a dress, a suit and ask if she looks cute in it (I would obviously say yes), or maybe even cosplay a bit as Shiki just to mess with me a little.
>FoodI'd try to experiment with a few ideas here and there but if I wanted to play it safe I would just make simple Rib eye steak with a little pepper with a side of garlic bread or rice.
>TipsyShe would get even more clingy and keep telling me that I'm too hard on myself and I should loosen up. In that case I would make sure she's not hurt anywhere, clean her up, and send her right to bed. I would also get a glass of water and medicine ready since she would have a headache after waking up.
>>3471745Anything that involves cuddling since she's out like a light when sleeping.
>>3471963We would talk about Pokemon, TV shows, video games, our pasts, and lots of other silly miscellaneous topics. Other than that we would listen to music and sing along from time to time.
>>3472026>KissHilda might just get to the point and kiss me on the first date just to see me flustered even more, but if I was the one to do it I would wait after a few dates just to be sure.
>GossipDefinitely Bianca
>One thing My usual hoodie since it has tears
>>3472202I have no idea but I'm gonna keep living my life as best as I can for her!
>>3471966 It's always nice to see a cute meme pop up here and there since trending ones come and go so fast. (Also it's nice that you're feeling better Lizfriend)