>>3307541>>Is waifu bashful or aggresive with lewd stuff?Really bashful, she doesnt even know what sexual arousal is.
>>When she is in the "mood" , How does she ask for it?Telepathy , if that fails then she directly asks for it
>>Waifu hasnt been able to shower for 3 days due to a shortage of water, what does she smell like?Intoxicating, like a steaming plate of fresh for a starving dog.
>>Is she vanilla or prone to get into risqué territory?as Vanilla as it gets but she looks like the kinky type.
>>Would you sub for her?YES
>>Would you drink her tears, her drool , her sweat?EVERYTHING, GIVE IT ALL TO ME
>>Do you consider yourself a vanilla loving man or a degenerate?I am trying to tone down the degeneracy but i appreciate vanilla like any red-blooded man
>>What about her?She is a pure maiden who doesnt even know her own sexuality.
>>3307666>what is your wife's preferred sex position? Does she enjoy fellatio? If not, would she be willing to do it?Getting a tad bit lewd here ,mang.
>>3307738>What's something you initially ignored or disliked, but grew to appreciate about her?Her coldness, i realized that i would love to be the only one able to break through her outer shell.
>>3307770>Sausage or hotdogs?Hotdogs
>>3307814>Do you think your love is the type that would last a lifetime no matter how much hardships you have to endure? I still feel bad thinking of all the waifufags who posted a couple of years and then never again.I would make it so, even if i have to end both of our lives to uphold the contract.
>>3307822>How stubborn is your wife?Not a lot but she is quite the persistent one.
>>3307938Lovely to have you back , Kanojofag.
>>3307938Pure white but she goes for black during winter.
She even dares to go commando.
>>3307963Why did you erase your last post?
what image viewer do you use?=
Quivi just shat the bed and the windows default one sucks massive dicks