>go to the item world to gather innocence>find an invinvibility panel and an attack+1 panel in a isolated spot>proceed to poke said panel for an hour and a half til her spear mastery is at 25>gency out and now waifu is the proud owner of LonginusToday was a good day
>>3334020>Is she popular or as her fanbase mellowed out?Shes fairly popular as far as generics go.
>What is the weirdest thing about her?She talks to the wind
>What is the definite thing about her that always cheers you up?Her reliability
>And the one that makes you sad/sorrowful?That I can't tell her how much she means to me.
>>3334027>Is there something about her that offputs normalfags but you like or at least endure?I don't think they even know she exists. The only character from the series they know is Etna and spend all their energy bitching about her.
>>3334073>What is THE most important value to her?Her knightly vows. She will die if she were to break one.
>Do you have a nickname for her?i sometimes call her Magic wife.
>>3334131I hope so.
>>3334183>What kind of hat would she wear?A helmet most likely.
>How does she deal with pain?A quick trip to the hospital.
>>3334263Orlando for all the theme parks.
>>3334428Comfort her and tell her we will make for good parents.
>>3334429>Has your waifu brought any positive change into your life?I work out and try to take better care of myself for her.
>If she were to dissapear from your life, what changes would it bring?I wouldn't have her smile to guide me when things get hard.
>Would you bring her back from the dead through arcane sacrfice?Its not needed as she would likely become a prinny after death. At that point all we'd have to do is work off her sins for her to be reborn again.
>>3334495A weak human like me wouldn't last too long in the netherworld without the proper training and help from her and her squad.