>>3648712I feel your pain Okitafriend. If My King had a birthday I would celebrate it hardcore every year. But alas, the best time for that is Valentine's Day, Christmas, and New Years Eve.
>>3648555I'd want to visit the supposed burial ground of King Arthur and some of the coastlines that she talked about in Hollow Ataraxia. I'd also want to visit literally every winery and distillery with her all across Europe.
>>3648519>Challenge Creation>The power to create a state of challenges and or tournaments for great glory, prizes, status, or unimaginable power.What a weird one. Maybe she'd make her own version of the HGW with a Grail that was [spoiler:lit]un-corrupted[/spoilers don't work on /c/]. She'd participate but maybe she wouldn't because that would be unfair.
>>3648713Challenge accepted.
>>3648821I don't particularly like horror movies and I don't think she'd like them much either. She's already seen so much bloodshed and violence, I wouldn't want her to see anymore than she has to.
>>3648857>I think I remember the others being a bit too revealing for me.The Revoltech was cast-off, but the armor looked too cool so I always had all of it on her.
>And you, Saber-Poster?I could have put a down-payment on a house with how much I've spent on figures of My King... Literally thousands of dollars, and almost a thousand more in pre-orders over the next few years. I've been collecting and refining my collection of her for over 10 years now.
>>3649554I want to answer this, but I'd need way more time. I'll respond to it now to help "bookmark" the post. It's gonna be a long response, but I really want to answer it.