During the daytime, /k/ is usually filled with adolescents who wish they were in special operations in real life, just like their Call of Duty games, or go on about how cool gold-plated-tiger-striped Desert Eagles are, and how FPSRussia is the coolest guy ever. It's also a haven for /pol/ users to post their opinions on absurd methods of gun control / pro-gun favoritism.
Overall, like /b/ with guns.
At night however, firearms collectors, enthusiasts, competitive shooters, active duty military / law enforcement and all-around gentlemen come out of the woodwork to casually discuss firearms in general, equipment, historical weapons / battles and general militaria.
There's also /ak/ threads, where posters from both /a/ and /k/ come to discuss anime like Upotte!, Girls und Panzer and Strike Witches, and otherwise get their weeb on with people who won't yell at them regardless of their tastes.
Okay, maybe just a little.
My favorite threads are the "innawoods" NOPE stories where people recount strange and 2SPOOKY occurrences during their outdoor escapades.
And, as it must be pointed out, avoid "war is hell" and gore threads at all times.