>>2561747"Mediocre art" is so nebulous and individual a standard that there's little point in discussing it. If you'd like to make a critique of that piece or photos you don't want to see in Homura threads, go for it.
Around 2-3% of posts per thread are reposts. If the intention of Homura threads is to appreciate and aggregate new Homura art in equal measure, then reposting older art runs counter to that. Not noticing that is more a symptom of not having been around for a long time in Homura threads than inattentiveness, so I don't blame you for not seeing it. At this point, it isn't a large enough problem to merit being rude enough to call out someone who cares enough to post Homura for reposting, but it is something to be aware of if you're trying to create a large AND novel collection of Homura photos. Being critical of people posting Homura is the fastest way to decrease thread activity, as people having a bad experience engaging with each other here are less likely to come back than people. Passively viewing a repost or art that doesn't align with your tastes aren't as caustic as seeing someone be rude.
When in conflict, I'd rather post something new that isn't super high rated on Pixiv than post images from 3-4 threads ago most people have already seen. As I said previously, I see the purpose of these threads as being to appreciate and gather new Homura art. To further that end, in addition to posting as much new art as possible, before 2016 is over, I plan to develop a script to algorithmically identify reposts and create a new, unified archive (to be maintained in tandem with the thready archive) with entirely unique photos.