>>3643000As nice as it would be to tickle my Sheik, she would not be the type to enjoy something like that, especially early on. My Sheik, in general, wouldn’t handle touch all that well early on in our relationship, so that’s why I tend to answer with the assumption that we’ve been together for a while when it comes to touching matters. But I think tickling would be one of the harder things to get my Sheik used to.
>forgiveIf I did it near the beginning, I might legitimately get in a lot of trouble with my Sheik. But I do think she would be willing to forgive me if I didn’t do it again or until she was more comfortable with these kinds of things. It’s no joke that those 7 years were brutal, and any one single time she dropped her guard could have been fatal. I’ve always been hoping to slowly dwindle this concern down and to comfort her. I hope to be there for her and for her to slowly come to terms with modern life.
>>3643010>I still wanna make that large image complication of herGo for it! I encourage anybody who can to do so. However, this is no small feat. That template has more than 700 images. While nowadays, I have several thousand images of fanart, in-game stuff, and various other things, but at the time, I had about 1,500. That was barely enough! Let me tell you, you are going to find that many images just don’t look good and will need to skip them. Black and white images tend to always look bad, so avoid them unless it is in one of the bigger image slots. And this is also an endurance game. While some people can do it somewhat quickly, that took me something like 14 hours because I wanted it to look good. I recommend doing 2 or 3 rows a day but do the big images first. When you put that final image in, and render it, you get an amazing feeling. One final tip, keep the original image and work file, but also compress the file into something that fits the size limit here. That way, you won’t have to link it on Catbox or something.