>>4000757>>4000954Follow Domon Kasshu's route and wander from city to city, showing people a picture of her and asking if they have seen her.
>>3999403I'm confident that she despises idols and everything surrounding them. No way she'd try to be one.
>>4001107>What motivates your waifu? What gets her up in the morning?Honestly, she always struck me as someone that'd have trouble getting up early, as do I. We'd be on the bed snuggling and kissing until one starts getting hungry, then we get up and start to get ready for the day.
>>4001298>How do you care for your wife when sick? How does she care for you?Make sure she has enough blankets and as much soup as she likes. And sit/lay down her 24/7 to read a book for her, or maybe change a YouTube video for something else, like a soothing acoustic instrumental with rain sounds in the background so she goes to sleep.
>Tell me something about your wife that makes you really happy.No matter what happens, she never gets to not blush when I'm showing her affection, and it's adorable to see her smile and blush hard just from me hugging her from behind!